Chartered 1957
A group of men and women united in the ideals of service and fellowship
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL, the world's first service club organization (1905), has 1.5 million members in over 32,000 clubs in more than 200 countries. Its members form a global network of business and professional leaders who volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities and the world. There are nine Rotary clubs in the Ottawa area.
The Rotary Club of West Ottawa, the second Rotary club in Ottawa and currently the largest, was organized in 1957. It is part of Rotary District 7040, with Rotary clubs in Nunavut, Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec, and Northern New York State.
Want to know what happened in the first 50 years? Check out our 50th Anniversary Book.
And then check out the next decade in our 60th Anniversary Book.
Our membership represents a cross‑section of the community's business and professional men and women. We meet weekly and are non-political, non-religious, and diverse - reflecting the communities that we support.
Our main objective is service ‑ in the community and throughout the world. Although Rotary clubs develop their own programs locally and internationally. One program that we all support is the campaign to end polio on the planet. And we are CLOSE! Other avenues of service shared by Rotarians and Rotary clubs include: promoting peace; fighting disease; providing clean water and sanitation; supporting education; saving mothers and children; growing local economies; protecting the environment; and, responding to disaster.
Through our club and committee meetings at which we get together and plan these service programs and engage in fundraising projects, we build lasting friendships and enlarge our circle of friends. Social activities, such as a family BBQ, an anniversary party, a Christmas musical program, fellowship dinners, bring members, family and friends together for fun and fellowship.
Our club's newsletter, SPINOFF, is distributed to members by e‑mail. It provides a listing of committees, program schedule, reports and notices of club activities and a summary of the previous meeting. SPINOFF is also published on the club website The roster and a list of minibiographies of members are revised periodically.
Weekly meeting
We meet each Tuesday at 12:30 although most come early to chat, followed by a lunch during which we welcome guests, hear updates on our projects and social activities, and enjoy a 20 minute talk. Our meetings are hybrid, so if you cannot attend in person, you can easily do so online. Guest speakers bring perceptive insights on current community, national or international events, discuss advances in technology or our changing social and cultural way of life. Numerous programs feature talks by club members.
We have two annual fundraisers along with other events that provide the funds we use to support our service programs. Our two main fundraisers are selling and delivering potted mums; and the creation and sale of a "cash calendar" that provides weekly cash prizes.
"Service Above Self"
Example Projects and Programs of the Club
The Rotary Centennial Playground for children of all abilities in Brewers Park (in conjunction with other Ottawa Rotary clubs)
Support of the Ottawa Rotary Home ‑ providing respite care for children and families
ABC's of Fraud-Presentations by volunteer Rotarians explaining frauds and scams to seniors and church groups ‑ over 390 presentations have reached an audience of more than 13,500
Camperships for children with special needs to attend Ottawa area camps
Rotary International Youth Exchange ‑ More than 50 students ages 15‑19 Including both Ottawa students sent abroad and foreign students hosted for a school year
Sponsor Woodroffe High School (currently) & Merivale High School Rotary Interact Club, an enthusiastic group of youths active in community volunteer activities and fund raising projects
Adopt‑a‑ Road ‑ keeping the Hunt Club Road clean
Scholarships in science and business to Ottawa high school students
Group Study Exchange ‑ supporting visits by young Ottawa business people abroad and hosting similar groups from other countries
Awards to graduating middle school students
Dictionary for Life project-Distributing FREE illustrated dictionaries to grade 3 students to keep for their own. City wide project that goes into select schools
Free Reading Program - providing a campus for K to grade 6 English literacy online (for free). Link to it from our home page.
Potted MUM's - City wide project that supports International Projects
Assistance to individuals to complete education or other special needs
International Service - Project Examples
Support of an adult literacy project in South Africa
Replacement of fishing boats lost in the tsunami, Sri Lanka
Support of an orphanage, Guatemala
Provision of a shelter box for Myanmar disaster relief
Concerts to encourage music students and raise funds for a Children's Village project in South Africa
Diagnostic equipment provided to a Diabetics Foot Care Program in Tobago
Medical, dental and education assistance, Working Boys Shelter, Ecuador
Shipment of computers to Haiti and Afghanistan, books to Kenya
Support of the world wide Rotary eradication of polio program
Significant completed local projects and programs ‑ volunteer time and talents
Belair Community ‑ volunteers' support led to positive change
Camp Y on the Ottawa ‑ hands‑on rehabilitation of buildings
Carlington Chiropractic Clinic ‑ free treatment for needy patients
Structure designed for children with special needs
Our club takes pride in maintaining the high standards of service and fellowship of Rotary International, and believe we have not only made Ottawa a better place to live but have also made a positive difference in communities around the world.