Nov 09, 2021
Dr. Andrew Burtch
Remembrance Day - Ted Zuber's Korea experience and its impact on his later art.

Dr. Andrew Burtch, Historian Post-(1945), Canadian War Museum: will speak to us about Ted Zuber, a veteran of the Korean War, who painted his experiences there and during the Gulf War. Introduced & Thanked: Larry Chop




 Start of Ceremony
Lament- (Recording)
Lament Ends 
"In Flanders Fields"    Frank Cranton
Last Post - (Recording)
President Graeme calls for Two Minutes Silence
Reveille (Recording)
God Save The Queen (Recording)
"Ode To Remembrance" Frank Cranton
O Canada (Recording)
End Of Ceremony (Pipes and Drums Clip Recording
Introduction Of Speaker - Larry Chop
Speaker - Dr. Andrew Burtch Ted Zuber's Korea experience and its impact on his later art. 
Thank Speaker - Larry Chop
Questions - Larry Chop